Question: How much gluten is too much?
To put that into perspective, a dime weighs about 2,200 mg (2.2 g). Tricia Thompson, RD, an authority on celiac disease, explains that a one-ounce slice of regular white bread has approximately 3,515 mg of gluten, or 351 times the maximum daily amount that’s safe for celiacs. So basically, a crumb is too much.
However, this does not mean you can go cut a slice of bread into 350 little crumbs and then eat one, because even if you're otherwise gluten-free, odds are good that you're still getting at least some gluten every day anyway. In most parts of the world, regulations say that to be labeled gluten-free, a product can contain up to 20 parts per million of gluten (equivalent to about 20 mg per kilo). As Tricia Thompson points out, even a slice of gluten-free bread contains a little over 1/2 mg of gluten.
Akobeng AK, Thomas AG. Systematic review: tolerable amount of gluten for people with coeliac disease. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2008;27:1044-1052.
Thompson, T. Gluten: Is It Okay to Have a Little Bit? [Accessed August 22, 2009]
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