Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Four Letter Word

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sick and tired of seeing my sweet five year old girl suffer every day. She is separated from the rest of the family by her disease. She has a separate toaster, a separate wash rag to wipe her mouth on, separate toothpaste. When I make wheat bread I make sure she isn't in the kitchen "just in case" she breathes in the flour. And yet, she is still tired a lot of the time. She gets sick easily, even though we homeschool and keep a (somewhat) clean house.  

If gluten-free is really the way to go for Celiac Disease then why doesn't my little girl feel and act healthy. Yes, she is much better than what she used to be before diagnosis, but it makes me wonder.

I use herbs and I enjoy using what God has given us on this green and blue earth. I strive to keep our family away from chemicals, processed foods, etc. So, I started searching on the Internet for herbs used to help Celiacs and their digestive troubles. I came across a website that completely intrigued me. This website was right up my alley! Not only do they promote herbs and such, but they had a whole article on how to treat all kinds of diseases. Uncurable diseases. Including Celiac Disease. A Cure? Really? I looked the article over and it all made sense and it was nothing out of the ordinary. The cure promoted a more healthy lifestyle- right where I wanted myself and my family to be. And I didn't have to pay anything- it was right there- the whole plan and diet change.

I am already starting to implement these changes to mine and my daughter's diet. I am trying to give it to God, keep a level head, but yet hopeful.

Here is the website link:

Here is the Celiac Disease article:

I hope you will become inspired and motivated to try it!